November 30, 2009

Allergy update

Last Monday I took Chase for his follow-up allergy specialist appointment. I normally don't mind going to the doctor. I have a feeling, however, that this will mark the beginning of many not-so-fun visits for my little man. It started with nasty, cold, rainy weather. Not fun considering we had to park accross the street in the deck, take an elevator, then walk accross the bridge to the UNC Children's Hospital. It also didn't help that the appointment was scheduled during Chase's normal naptime (Uh. Note to self: ONLY schedule future appointments at 8am). We waited approximately 45 minutes to be seen. Once the doctor came in, of course the total time we spent with her was only about 10 minutes. The whole point of the visit was to ask questions and to have a blood test to see how "allergic" Chase is to milk. So an hour and a half later, I took a very tired, very fussy baby to the lab to have his blood drawn. This was quite possibly one of the most painful procedures for both Chase and me, second maybe only to childbirth (for me at least. not sure about Chase but he seemed pretty freaking unhappy). He was so pitiful, crying, and fighting while we held him down so they could draw an ENTIRE VILE OF BLOOD. Seriously??? Does it really take that much??? Ugh. Not fun. Poor little guy. So, basically we left with a nice bright purple bruise in the inside of Chase's arm but not much else until we get the results of the blood test. Here's a nice little picture to document our day.

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