Let me start by saying that Chase is a great kid. For the most part he really does listen and behave. However. He is less than a month away from turning 2 (sniff, sniff) and his independence is starting to shine through more and more every day. For instance. Yesterday. When I went in to get Chase up and dressed he was pretty freaking adamant that he did NOT want to take his pj's off. I mean, I kind of understand. I'd like to wear MY pajamas to work sometimes, too. But still. I thought, ok, we'll just take his clothes downstairs and try this whole thing again after breakfast. Which I tried. And it didn't work. He screamed and was clear about his intentions to wear his pajamas to Leslie's. Which is what he did.I mean, I'm all about consistency and not letting your child get away with everything (blah, blah, blah) but you know what? When you're not quite 2, and you don't go to formal daycare, sometimes you get to wear your pajamas.
This is what Chase looked like when we left for the day. (As a side note, thank you to Leslie for not making me feel like a bad mom. When we walked into her house she said, "Well, Chase, if I'd known ahead of time, I'd have left MY pj's on, too!") And that is why we love her. :)
Loving the jammies with rainboots... super cute! And yes, you really do have to choose your battles.
ReplyDeleteben rocks those UVA jammies too! ;)