May 25, 2011

Fun in the morning

I often think back to when Chase was younger and the mornings were a little bit less 'involved'.  I'd get up just a little bit earlier than I used to, breast feed Chase, dress him and then we were off.  I was even driving 20 minutes to Hillsborough every day and still somehow managing to get to work each day by 8am.  These days, though... not so much. 

Part of it is that I'm not getting up as early as I used to. 
Part of it is that I'm only having to drive 5 minutes to take Chase to Leslie's (and he often spends the night with Don and Betty Ann on their days with him), which is why I feel like I can sleep a little bit later.
 Part of it is that Chase has many opinions about what he will and will not wear in the mornings (often fighting REALLY hard to keep his pajamas on).
And part of it is that we just have a lot of fun in the morning. 

Check out this hair that Chase woke up with this morning.  I mean, look at that face? 

Would YOU be able to go to work in the mornings if you saw that face?  :)

I know that he is only this age once and we are having so much fun with him.  Life is just too short to rush to work in the mornings, right???  :)

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