October 6, 2011

Work pooter

We've officially entered into the world of pretend play.  Chase loves to pretend that he's going to work.


He has different work bags, work stuff (that's literally what he calls it.  work stuff.), an office, and most importantly:  his work 'pooter'.  

Our netbook laptop sucks (which is one of the reasons I'm so behind on my blog postings) so Matt started letting Chase play with it.  

And it's now his work pooter.  And let me tell you, he's pretty attached to it.  So attached, in fact, that yesterday morning he woke up crying hysterically.  When I ran into his room (thinking that he was hurt or sick), he was sobbing and kept saying "My work pooter.  My work pooter..." over and over again.  Even though it was still dark outside, the only thing that would calm him down was for me to go into 'his office' (otherwise known as our bonus room) to get the pooter and bring it to him.

I'm guessing he had a nightmare that someone was trying to take it from him?

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