August 27, 2009
Rah rah Carolina-lina
August 26, 2009
I'll hold him
August 18, 2009
The pediatrician told us right after the trip to the ER that it would be okay to start introducing fruits and veggies but I didn't want to take any chances until after the allergy appt. Something about seeing the little guy broken out from head to toe in hives was more than a little scary. So last night we busted out the bananas (baby food of course). Chase wasn't so crazy about them/it but we had fun anyway. I guess we'll just keep trying?
Allergies? Already??
August 10, 2009
Chilling at the pool
Swimming in the big pool
We went to my mom's house this past weekend and Chase swam in the big pool for the first time. Unfortunately the hat that I brought for him was too small so he's wearing Terry's (aka Papa) hat. He seems to be holding his own in this little float and was even "swimming" away from me by kicking his legs...He doesn't seem too scared of the water so far so that's good.