February 21, 2010

Sneak peek

So.  I'll admit it.  About a month ago I started thinking about the fact that Chase's one-year-birthday was coming up and we'd be planning a party.  My initial thoughts were that we'd keep it simple.  No theme.  Not many people.  Not a big deal.  I've been to several one-year-birthday parties over the last few years and (no offense) they just always seem so overwhelming for the child who's the guest of honor.  I just didn't/don't want to do that for Chase.  However.  Since then I have had more time to think about it and see pictures of other parties and have sort of changed my mind.  For those of you who know me, I may be good at some things, but I am not so much a detail-oriented person.  I'd rather get 10 things done in a day and do all of them sort-of well than spend all day perfecting just one thing (like Matt).  Well, I've decided to try and pay attention to the details in the planning of our sweet boy's first birthday party.  I've been thinking of the cute invitation (yes I know it's not necessary, Matt) that I'll put in his keep-sake box/book and all the pictures we'll take of all the cute decorations. 

So we (I) decided on a theme.  Since Matt's always loved monkeys since I was pregnant and we found out it was a boy, then monkeys it will be.  Here are some monkey pictures that we took of Chase today to use for the invitations.
'Banana?  Mama, why did you give me a banana??'
'Ok, it doesn't make sense to me, but I'll have fun with it then.'
Here's our silly monkey!  This picture is so cute it makes me want to go upstairs right now and wake him up...Ok, not really but it does melt my heart when he smiles like this.

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