He's such a little sponge, soaking up new things every day in so many different ways so I know he's ready.
He is such an independent, social little person who connects with everyone that he meets. So I knew he'd be ok.
Here are some pictures that I took before we left our house. Before school, Chase had a doctor's appointment. I didn't realize that I was supposed to bring him in for a 2 1/2 year physical (I mean, it's not like I have anything else going on, you know) several months back so this was basically a late-30-month-physical/early-3-year-check-up/get-the-daycare-forms-signed appointment. all in one.
And, for the record, he's still a little runt, measuring in at a little over 29 pounds. So he's still 25th percentile in weight and 75th percentile in height. (Anyone surprised by that is welcome to meet my 170-pound, 6-foot-2-inch husband. :) )
Here are some pictures from the school parking lot. I managed to hold myself together all morning. somehow. (Ok. well. except for when I woke up and had an email from Leslie wishing us luck and saying that she'll miss Chase (have I mentioned that I love her??). Not gonna lie. There were a few tears in my sleepy eyes when I read that).
I'm so thankful that Chase is a social, independent little boy. I'm also so thankful that Leslie has always made a point to promote that independence in every way since he was 9 months old. All of her teaching has helped prepare him (and me) for this day.
When I picked him up yesterday afternoon, he made no movements to run towards me when I got to the playground. He was in the middle of explaining to the teacher and 4 other kids that the sand was dirty. After he got done explaining this fact, he looked at me and asked me to go play with him on the slide. I think it's very safe to say he had a good time. And I did all that worrying for nothin'. :)
(Let's just hope that day 2 goes as well as day 1 did...)
yay!!! so happy he (and you!) had a good day!