Bedtime has gotten to be a little bit more challenging lately. Maybe it's because he stays up later these days (he's still taking pretty good naps each afternoon). Maybe it's because he's good at verbalizing what he thinks/wants/needs. Maybe it's because he's good at manipulating Matt and me. Whatever the reason is, bedtime is more complicated.
One of the hardest parts about putting Chase to bed is that he wants me stay in there with him. We read books, we say our 'Now I lay me down to sleep' prayer, we bless everybody in the world from Meme, to Bebe, to Elmo, and then it's time to say goodnight....
Last night, this is now the conversation went:
me: Goodnight, Chase. I love you.
Chase: NO, MOMMY!
me: (very calmly, of course) Chase, I have to go to bed, so you need to go to sleep.
Chase: But I NEEEEED you.
me: (I laughed a little bit and asked) Why do you need me?
Chase: because Chases need Mommies.
I mean, hello? Of course they do. :)

I want to always remember my sweet little boy saying those sweet little words. I mean, how can you not melt?
"Because Chases need Mommies".