February 24, 2012

Warm fuzzies

Remember how I was saying that the butterflies that I used to feel 12 years ago when I first fell head-over-heels, madly in love with Matt have changed over the years?

Well, I felt that fluttery feeling last night when I saw this:

It was such a sweet, sweet sight to see. Both my boys curled up on Chase's bed, reading "How Things Work".

Parenthood and marriage bring about so many different emotions at various stages of life. Right then at, at that moment it brought about some warm fuzzies for me. :)


This past Wednesday, Betty Ann and Chase had a great time making cookies. Such a great time, in fact, that when she brought him to me after work, he kept talking about how he wanted to make some at our house. I was not feeling ambitious enough to attempt to make them from scratch so we used a mix.

After the batter was mixed up and put on cookie sheets to bake in the oven, Chase was still wanting to cook. So, I dug through our pantry and cabinets to find stuff he could play with. I found some flour that was WAY out of date (I love to cook but am not a baker), some flavored coffee that we don't like, and some random spices that are very old and not likely to be used. And then Chase got to it.

I don't think I realized just how messy things would get...But he had a blast in the process. And that's what counts. :)

February 22, 2012

I need you

Bedtime has gotten to be a little bit more challenging lately. Maybe it's because he stays up later these days (he's still taking pretty good naps each afternoon). Maybe it's because he's good at verbalizing what he thinks/wants/needs. Maybe it's because he's good at manipulating Matt and me. Whatever the reason is, bedtime is more complicated.

One of the hardest parts about putting Chase to bed is that he wants me stay in there with him. We read books, we say our 'Now I lay me down to sleep' prayer, we bless everybody in the world from Meme, to Bebe, to Elmo, and then it's time to say goodnight....

Last night, this is now the conversation went:

me: Goodnight, Chase. I love you.
Chase: NO, MOMMY!
me: (very calmly, of course) Chase, I have to go to bed, so you need to go to sleep.
Chase: But I NEEEEED you.
me: (I laughed a little bit and asked) Why do you need me?
Chase: because Chases need Mommies.

I mean, hello? Of course they do. :)

I want to always remember my sweet little boy saying those sweet little words. I mean, how can you not melt?

"Because Chases need Mommies".

February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

This is the 11th Valentine's Day that I have celebrated with Matt. Things have changed a bit since our first Valentine's Day back when I was 21 and Matt was 22, but in a good way. Take this morning for example. Our plan was for Matt to take Chase to daycare this morning so I could get to work earlier. So we all went out to the garage at the same time. I climbed into my car and Matt buckled Chase into the car seat in his car and we were about to pull out of the garage. I looked over as Matt rolled his window down and motioned for me to do the same. Chase was crying, insisting that I take him to school. Normally this wouldn't have been a problem and I'd take him. However, this morning my backseat had Chase's infant swing taking up the entire seat, covering up his car seat. (My coworkers wanted to borrow it) There was no room for Chase. Over the loud sound of Chase's unhappy "I'm-not-getting-my-way" tears, we yelled "Happy Valentine's Day" to each other and smiled. Needless to say, holidays are a little bit louder than they used to be. :)

...But still just as special. This was was the delivery that I received a few hours after getting to work. I felt very special, to say the least. Matt did well. :)

A friend of mine, Kristin, sent me this link that I had to share. http://thestir.cafemom.com/love_sex/130915/the_miracle_of_a_lasting

It really hits home about how life changes a relationship. I fell completely head-over-heels in love with Matt 12 years ago. Now, after coming home at the end of a tiring day at work, talking about bills, and other things responsibility brings about, the butterflies don't quite feel the same. But when I look at Matt later, cuddled up in bed with Chase, watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, I get a different kind of fluttery feeling... And it feels really good to be part of this family that we've created.

February 8, 2012

Bath laughs

Matt was acting silly last night and got Chase laughing so hard that I had to pull out the camera. He had that deep-from-the-pit-of-your-stomach, make-you-cry kind of laugh and all 3 of us ended laughing just as hard.

Who knew Matt could be so funny? :)

He was squealing and laughing and it ended up being hilarious.

I was wiping tears from the corners of my eyes I was laughing so hard as I watched Chase laugh with all his might.

Moments like this with our sweet little boy have to be documented. His funny personality makes me laugh on a regular basis. We're pretty luck to be his parents.