September 28, 2012

First (real) dentist visit

Chase went to the dentist this week for his first dental exam and cleaning.  The dental hygienist and the dentist both did a great job with him, first explaining what each tool was for (which my little engineer was very interested in. of course).

This took the mystery out of their purpose so he was very willing (although still his usual cautious little self) to let her use each instrument in his mouth.

The only thing he was not ok with was sitting in the big chair that tilted back.  Ever the super-cautious child, he is very smart in knowing when he is not in control of something.  That chair that the lady tilted back was not in his control and he didn't like it one bit.  He felt more in control of his Mama's lap.  So that's where he sat during the exam part.

He looks so grown up.  :(

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