September 28, 2012


I know I post (and talk) a lot about how great Chase is and all the wonderful things he's doing.  But I like to also keep it real.  And keeping it real involves also sharing the moments where Chase does things that aren't so wonderful.  Like pushing other kids.

Here's a note that was written to us from his teachers last week.  Not that pushing other kids is a laughing matter.  But I did laugh (not in front of the teachers of course) a little.  Of course we talked to Chase about how this is not okay.  He understands and this is normally not a problem.

While keeping it real I would like to add that it's the first note he's gotten (or conversation we've had with the teachers) since he's been in 'school' for the last 10 months.  So he's still pretty great, I think.  :)

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