This past Tues. I dropped Chase off at daycare and he ran off to play with his friends with a smile on his face, ready to start the day.
About 3 hours later, I got a call from his teacher saying that he had a fever. His temperature was 102 and he hadn't eaten any of his lunch. So I ran in to tell my boss that I wouldn't be able to make my afternoon meeting and headed out to pick up my little boy. When I got to school he was fast asleep on the child-size couch, asleep with sand in his shoes, on his back, out like a light. I scooped him up and when he opened his sleeply little eyes and said, "Mommy? I don't feel so good" I about cried.
So we went home and spent the afternoon reading books, cuddling and this sick little boy slept and slept.
I enjoyed all the cuddles but I did not enjoy seeing my usually energetic child laying with head on the couch, not feeling good. Breaks a Mama's heart.
Luckily, he recovered almost as quickly as he got sick. In fact, I think he's even started figuring out how to work us by saying he doesn't feel good. He got to sleep with us an extra night (don't judge), got to go to Bebe's an extra night and would've stayed home another day with Matt or me if we'd been able to skip the day of work. That didn't happen so today was his first day back at 'school'.

Here he is with his new BFF, Jacob. Complete with his T-ball medal that he got a few weeks ago. Man I love that kid. :)
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