I've tried out our Baby Bjorn carrier a few times with Chase facing me since he has been too little to face out. He never really liked it but now that he is holding his head up better I pulled it out at the beach for a practice run. I'm not real sure if I did it right (aren't his arms supposed to go through some sort of hole??) and he wasn't so sure he liked it either. All this baby equipment takes more than a college degree to figure out how to use. Don't worry, Chase we'll keep working on it.

Matt's entire family (about 20 people total) was all at the beach. Chase was a pretty popular little guy. Here you can see his fan club in the works.

Whew! All that admiration gets tiring. Chase is taking a nap in the floor of the dining room in this picture (close enough for all the members of his fan club to see him at all times).

I took this sweet picture of Chase sleeping in Matt's arms after a day full of fun.