October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
October 26, 2009
Costume party
October 22, 2009
Bedtime must be funny
Chase has been doing so well with bedtime and sleeping through the night. Pretty much ever since we started him on solid food he has been sleeping all night, on average for about 12 hours each night. Labor Day weekend was when we decided that we were going to start letting him cry it out in an effort for him to "learn" to sleep all night. It was pretty rough getting up every night with him, then getting up at 6am and having to work all day. Luckily we didn't have to implement "Operation Cry-it-Out" because ironically enough that was when Chase decided he was ready. For the last few months or so he has been going to bed pretty early (6:45 or so) but he sleeps until about 6:45 am. There's even been a few times on the weekends where we've gone out to dinner, kept him up a little later and he's slept later on a Sat./Sun. morning. We still have the occasional night where he'll wake up but not very often.
At this point the only struggle is that with Chase having such an early bedtime, Matt doesn't really get to spend too much quality time with him on a week night. I think it frustrates Matt that when he gets home Chase is fussy, rubbing his eyes and ready for bed. This doesn't really allow for much play time Mon.-Fri. On this particular night, however, our little man was in a silly mood. His squeals and giggles were so funny that we had to pull out the camera. It's a shame he's not a happier baby. :)
October 20, 2009
Happy 7 months, Chase!!!
Beach photo session
October 19, 2009
All dressed up and someplace to go.
Weekend at Wrightsville Beach
October 18, 2009
Sorry I have been bad and not posted anything in awhile. I haven't felt like we had any new pictures that were "blog worthy." However, after a great weekend in Wilmington we have a bunch of new pictures to share with everyone. But first, here is a video of Matt & Chase playing.
October 8, 2009
Little man
October 5, 2009
Brunch with the girls...and Chase
October 4, 2009
Ma Ma
This past Wed. Chase said his first word...Kind of. He's been making noises over the last few months that sound like "Ommmm" and "Maaaaa". Well he decided to put those noises together and said Ma Ma (ma ma ma). Granted, it wasn't like he was reaching out for me while saying it. I'm pretty sure that he has no clue that's who I am. But it's a start.