Last week was quite the crazy week. Matt was in San Diego for 3 days, work was crazy for me and then we loaded up and headed to Atlantic Beach on Friday at 6pm after Matt got off work to spend the weekend with my family.
Look at Mr. Serious in these 2 pictures. Looks like Chase had a rough week, too. He had a hard time relaxing...

On Saturday we let Matt take it easy at the house and we headed down to the beach. Chase didn't run wild like I thought he might. He stuck pretty close to me the entire time. In fact, I didn't really need the 30 SPF suncreen that I slathered on my skin because Chase kept walking up to me and plopping down on top of me for the majority of the time that we were outside. My Aunt Sherry reminded me of the time that I was a kid and said to her, "You're really pale." (At the time she had 2 small children.) Now I get it. I was so concerned with making sure that Chase didn't get sunburned that I spent my time under the umbrella with him. Which is probably what she was doing when Drew and Lee were babies/kids and I pointed out that she didn't have a tan. Things change a little bit when you have kids, don't they?
Oh, ok. Here we go. He decided to 'let his hair down' at this point.
"Who's ready to party??"
He didn't really want to eat lunch before we left the house so I grabbed a healthy snack of teddy grahams and veggie sticks (imagine cheese puffs but with no cheese). He chowed down on both and I'm sure ate a few handfuls of sand in the process. It didn't really seem to bother him so I didn't let it bother me.
When he managed to peel himself off me, he played a little bit with Justice.
This look makes me laugh. It's like he's thinking, 'Don't you even think about it... I'm watching you...'