To continue with some pictures from our Christmas weekend, here's a couple funny ones. Just because.

While I was cleaning the kitchen from breakfast, Chase was drawing on a little dry erase calendar on our fridge. I glanced over and he seemed fine. Until I saw that the drawing went beyond the calendar. He was coloring all over the fridge and getting marker all over his face. And this is what that looked like:

Cracks me up because it looks like dirt. :) About an hour or so later, the car was packed with presents, food, and a new book/toy to help entertain Chase during the ride to Henderson.

This may have been the best $12.99 (thank you, Marshalls) I've ever spent because we had a really good time singing Sesame Street songs for the one hour car ride.

Chase loved the CD player that came with it and the book had all the words to the songs. I think I might still have Rubber Ducky repeating in my head. At one point, Matt looked at me and said, "We are definitely parents." Nothing like switching out Jay-Z for a little Elmo. :)
Max has the same cd player and loves it!