So, here are some pictures from Christmas Eve. We started the day by eating lunch and exchanging presents with Matt's extended family in Henderson.
This year was interesting to watch how Chase experienced it all. He quickly got bored with waiting to open presents and instead became more interested in his (or in this case, someone else's) old toys. He also had fun with the bows that came on the wrapped packages...
He became interested in Pam's 'gun' that shot out these little nerf-like discs...When Pam opened it, Chase turned to Betty Ann and asked, "Can I share?" It was pretty cute. :)
He was had a blast with Matt's cousin, Olivia (who he calls, "Lee-ya").
I think she had fun with him as well. :)
After that, we headed over to my Nanny's house to eat some more and let the boys open their presents and spend some time with my dad.
Then, after dinner, hanging out with my dad's family, we headed to my mom's house. Luckily all this was in Henderson.
Chase enjoyed showing Meme his new Sesame Street CD player and book that kept him entertained earlier in the day.
There's a picture of my mom, my sister (Katy) and me. Abby hadn't gotten there yet so we're missing a sister in the picture.
We managed to work in a quick family portrait before leaving to head back to Durham to get ready for Santa.
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