Yesterday was a pretty big day for us because Chase got his first haircut. You can see from the 'before' pictures that his hair was starting to look pretty ratty.
See what I mean??

We took him to Peek A Do since it's half a mile from our house. And they had all the cool stuff that I think should accompany a child's first 'real' haircut...Like these fun cars and planes for Chase to sit in while getting his trim...
So, of course what do you think happened? Chase freaked out a little bit when we tried to put him in the airplane. Maybe he thought we were gonna leave him there. I'm not real sure. Either way he was NOT happy, with one leg hanging out trying to climb out. We solved that problem by letting him sit in my lap while getting his hair cut. I got to wear a cool, child's-size apron just like Chase. :)
And...Here's the 'after' picture:
He even let us sit him in the airplane after warming up to the place.
Well, folks. There you have it. Chase is officially not a baby anymore. He looks like a little boy now (sniff, sniff). But, a pretty handsome one at that. :)