November 30, 2009
Allergy update
November 23, 2009
November 22, 2009
Yesterday Matt was keeping Chase while I helped Betty Ann at the Junior League holiday market. Just to give some background info, when I got Chase up yesterday morning when he first woke up, I saw him (for the very first time) go from being on his hands and sitting... to almost pulling up... This was all in a matter of seconds. So I thought 'wow, he's gotten good, pretty quickly'. Little did I know it would merely take a little more practice for him to perfect his moves. When I called Matt later in the day to check in, he reported that Chase had pulled up to standing, was therefore refusing to nap (Why nap when standing is so much more fun???)...AND had almost hoisted himself over the crib. He casually mentioned this part (later telling me that he didn't want to worry me). When I got the details later, Matt told me that Chase had half his body hanging over the edge of the crib, with his head facing completing downwards and his feet no longer touching the crib mattress. Huh. Matt said that he heard his "thud, thud, thud" sound so he went upstairs to inspect. That sound (as you can see from the video) is Chase happily smacking his hands on the top of his crib. It's almost like he's saying "DAD!! Come see what I can do"!
November 18, 2009
Watch out rubber ducky
When we were bathing Chase the other day, we took this video. He had the rubber ducky's head completely in his mouth and kept it in his mouth for several minutes while he played in the tub with his other toy. It was funny because he wasn't holding the rubber ducky while sucking on it (the way he does with all his other toys)...Just biting the duck's head in a death grip while casually going about his business.
November 16, 2009
Happy boy
November 14, 2009
Chase's first basketball game
November 9, 2009
Look what else I can do
November 7, 2009
On the move and up to no good
Chase has been on the move for quite a while, rolling around, and using his legs to scoot backwards. He has been using those various techniques to get where he wants to go. Yesterday, however, he seemed to have learned how to use both his arms and legs to get him where he needed to go. As you can see from this video, I was so excited to see him trying to crawl, it took a minute to realize that he was desperately trying to pull on the monitor cord. Uh...I guess baby-proofing is in our immediate future, huh?