Yesterday was the big day. It was Chase's first day of 'school'. I've been so emotional about this whole process for many reasons. I'm sad that Leslie is no longer his babysitter/teacher. I'm anxious about leaving him with complete strangers for 9 hours a day, 3 days a week. But I'm really excited about this opportunity for him to build relationships with 13 other kids around his same age.

He's such a little sponge, soaking up new things every day in so many different ways so I know he's ready.
He is such an independent, social little person who connects with everyone that he meets. So I knew he'd be ok.

Here are some pictures that I took before we left our house. Before school, Chase had a doctor's appointment. I didn't realize that I was supposed to bring him in for a 2 1/2 year physical (I mean, it's not like I have anything else going on, you know) several months back so this was basically a late-30-month-physical/early-3-year-check-up/get-the-daycare-forms-signed appointment. all in one.

And, for the record, he's still a little runt, measuring in at a little over 29 pounds. So he's still 25th percentile in weight and 75th percentile in height. (Anyone surprised by that is welcome to meet my 170-pound, 6-foot-2-inch husband. :) )

Here are some pictures from the school parking lot. I managed to hold myself together all morning. somehow. (Ok. well. except for when I woke up and had an email from Leslie wishing us luck and saying that she'll miss Chase (have I mentioned that I love her??). Not gonna lie. There were a few tears in my sleepy eyes when I read that).

I'm so thankful that Chase is a social, independent little boy. I'm also so thankful that Leslie has always made a point to promote that independence in every way since he was 9 months old. All of her teaching has helped prepare him (and me) for this day.
When I picked him up yesterday afternoon, he made no movements to run towards me when I got to the playground. He was in the middle of explaining to the teacher and 4 other kids that the sand was dirty. After he got done explaining this fact, he looked at me and asked me to go play with him on the slide. I think it's very safe to say he had a good time. And I did all that worrying for nothin'. :)
(Let's just hope that day 2 goes as well as day 1 did...)