SO. One of my coworkers informed me today that soy is (how shall I put this?)...not at the top of everyone's list of healthy and nutrient-rich foods. Huh. That's interesting. Because I'm pretty sure I've seen all kinds of commercials lately saying otherwise. AND I was just starting to feel really good about how well Chase is guzzling down his recommended amount of soy milk each day so that he's getting the calcium he needs. I have been so proud of the smoothies that I make him some mornings with soy yogurt, soy milk, bananas, blueberries (it's a superfood, you know!), and/or any other fruit that I have to throw in. I watch him gulp down this healthy concoction and feel like I am really doing something good for my child's growth and development. It's close to how I felt when I was pumping my breastmilk at work for (what felt like) 4 of the 8 hours I was there so that I could ensure that Chase was fed the best I could give him. In face, I just went to Trader Joe's and stocked up on soy yogurt and was about to make a trip to Sam's to stock up on the case of soy milk that they sell. Until today.
It's a long and unexciting story of how my coworker and I got on this topic. To her credit, I asked. She did not force her opinion and knowledge of this particular subject. She knows all about Chase's milk allergy so I could tell that she didn't want to say too much or step on my toes. But, again. I asked.
So after she left my office, with my heart pounding I googled "Is soy bad?" (Yes, I know. Even in my google searches I am really profound and intellectual). Up pops 11.1 million (I'm not kidding) results, all showing research about how soy contains natural toxins, can cause thyroid problems, and even reduce fertility. Several things said that soy is even considered a carcinogen (something that is cancer-causing). Some women said that after years of eating their bowl of cereal every morning with soy milk, they were diagnosed with breast cancer. Ok, maybe they had more soy than just with their cereal, but this is definitely the connection. Soy caused their cancer. Awesome. So all these "experts" are telling me that my precious baby is going to have thyroid problems (whatever that means), have trouble conceiving children one day (why am I already worried about this when he's only 14 months old?) and also will get cancer of some sort. Of course my impulse is to throw out all this:

But I also wanted to make sure to get all the facts. I hate researching stuff. I don't have any patience (anyone surprised by that?) and I am apprehensive about how skewed the 'data' is. I'm not saying that I don't believe any of this. I'm just saying that I don't want to overreact.
However, after reading all about hormones and processing of food I suddenly decided against getting Wendy's or Hardee's for lunch... Instead, I went to Whole Foods and got a salad. (Don't be impressed. I pretty much drowned my spinach, cucumbers and tomatoes in cheese and Ranch dressing. But I feel like if Whole Foods made the Ranch dressing then how bad can it be, right??) Then I strolled down the dairy/fake-dairy aisle. And I purchased this:
The Dickerson's very first container of almond milk. All those experts on the internet who say that Chase is going to go into early puberty because of all the estrogen-like hormones in his soy milk agree that almond milk is like liquid gold.
So we'll see. My plan is to see what Chase thinks about this almond milk tomorrow. Don't get me wrong. I will not be throwing out all 8 containers of perfectly good Trader Joe's soy yogurt. I just may be spacing all his soy intake slightly. We don't want him growing boobs or anything. Let's just hope that he'll outgrow the cow's milk allergy so we can get back to the real stuff soon anyway. I'm not so comfortable as this researching, Whole- Foods-shopping, UNC Allergy Specialist kind of mom. I guess it's just a lesson in life, right?
This is what I get for saying last week that I didn't have anything to blog about.